Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Baby's first job.

So the baby started it's very first job this week. Well, I guess it isn't so much the baby starting, but more like me starting a job and taking baby with me to work every day. It saves a lot of money on day care... which would be hard for me to get right now anyways I guess.

So far my schedule is 7am to 3:30 pm for orientation and it will be full time for about 8 weeks before I will drop down to the .8 I was hired for. I'm not used to these early mornings and long days. By the time I get home I am pretty much ready for bed.

In orientation thus far I have: read hospital policies and procedures, watched presentations on hospital policies and procedures, completed several "worksheets" on policies and procedures, watched videos on hospital equipment, played around with the electronic charting, and eaten. So... as you can probably gather, orientation is not the most exciting thing in the world. Tomorrow I get to go to a WOC seminar (wound care, ostomies, and continence services)... so that should be fun. Honestly, most of the things I'm doing and learning about this week are either A) things I have learned 6 times already, or B) common sense. But I don't really mind. I'm still pretty elated about just having a job, so for now whenever I get bored with training I can just calculate how much money I am making that day and think about how it is more than I made in the entirety of last year. On Friday I will be starting to do some actual work on the units, and honestly I'm pretty nervous about that. People I know who work there have all made sure to tell me their horror stories about bad preceptors, near misses, and of course, how the float staff are treated (which is poorly).

Here is my favorite thing thus far about the facility where I am employed: They have an awesome organic salad bar in the cafeteria and it is cheap. I can get a big salad, a bag of chips, and a carton of milk for only 2 dollars... which I think is pretty good. And it ensures that I eat an additional 3 servings of vegetables each day at work.

Oh, I should also mention that this week I am debuting the maternity wear that I purchased last Sunday. I found some rockin' deals at Old Navy and Motherhood Maternity and with the help of the lovely Anne, was able to choose some delicious items of clothing that fit over my enormo belly. Maternity clothes are actually ridiculously comfortable and I am kind of wondering why I forced myself to tolerate my ill-fitting real-person-clothes for so long. I am, however, having a hard time coming across maternity scrubs for work. At the moment, the scrubs I already own have enough give for them to last probably another month or two. After that I will need to procure some newbies. So if anyone has any royal blue Landau brand maternity scrubs in size medium that they are trying to get rid of..........

OK. So, that is all I have the energy to write about right now. I am going to go lay on the couch and vegetate for the night.


Jenna said...

Breezy...maybe you already know this, but I thought I would throw it out there. There is a "scrub"/uniform store behind T.J. Maxx on the Haines road. If you go to the sale rack, you can find some pretty cheap stuff sometimes...and maybe they have ACTUAL maternity scrubs...I don't really know, but just in case you didn't know...about the store, I thought I would just mention it. :)

Unknown said...

Do you have to wear certain colors or can we make you some maternity tops???