Monday, February 25, 2008


Me and the baby just recovered from a horrid 24 hour stomach bug adventure. Around 2am on Saturday morning I woke up to find that I was pukey and I was also having a lot of contractions. After throwing up a while, I thought that maybe I would feel better and that I probably just ate something that baby didn't like. The contractions kept getting more frequent and more painful and I started getting really bad back pain and I was pretty sure I was going into pre-term labor. I was pretty scared. I called Katie (midwife) who promptly came over to my house and checked me out and assured me that my cervix was still closed and that baby was not going to be joining us any time soon. So I called into work and told them that I was sick and wouldn't be there that evening, and then I settled in for a fun-filled day of sickness. Baby either A)loved it when I was sick; or B)absolutely hated it when I was sick - because baby was going completely NUTS and was just bouncing around like a little chipmunk in there. It was probably the most uncomfortable feeling ever when I was already feeling nauseous and baby kept punching me in the belly. It was moving around so much that even Joe (who doesn't notice much movement) could see my belly jumping around. It was like my stomach was one of those Mexican Jumping Bean things and the baby was the little worm inside that was making it pop around like crazy.

So anyways, on Sunday morning I felt a lot better (not completely better, but decent) and I decided to move on with my life and go to work that afternoon. Work went alright and I survived the night, even though baby still seemed a bit traumatized by the events of the weekend and was still acting like a little fruitloop and causing some mild contractions. Today we feel much better though and are going to go run some errands now. Fun stuff.

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